Having my own blog became an aspiration of mine during the final year of my undergraduate degree. It started out just as a joke that I’d say to my friends. But after much deliberation, it became more and more of an appealing idea to me.
Here are five reasons I decided to start a blog:
1. Creative Outlet
Ever since I was a child, I had always been a very creative and expressive person. Unfortunately, now that I’ve gone down the path of engineering, I don’t find as many everyday opportunities to let my creative juices flow. Although technically, I guess you can argue that I can “creatively” problem-solve things… and that’s totally true… but it doesn’t count! I’m talking about REAL artistic expression!!! Enter… 100 Years The Dream. The primary purpose of this blog is simply to be a creative outlet for me to express my thoughts and feelings.
2. Improve my writing
I’ll be completely honest. I don’t think that I am currently a good writer -and perhaps I never will be. But you know what? I realized the other day that the only way I’ll get better, is just by writing… And so that’s what I’ll do!
There is also a real possibility that I may decide to pursue a PhD in a few years, and with that in mind, I think honing my writing skills doesn’t sound like too bad of an idea.
3. Document my “experiment”
I think it is very radical for a 24-year-old to be thinking about old age… borderline insane to be thinking about living to 100! But the fact that I am this young and have the opportunity to document and share my thoughts and lifestyle choices with the world, I think is potentially quite beneficial. I say potentially because I will admit, it is difficult to tell if anything I’m doing is really making a significant impact on my longevity, whilst I am young. It sadly creates this dynamic where my blog will only truly begin to be validated as I start reaching ages that society deems to be “old”. Nevertheless, I am in it for the long haul and I am optimistic that my lifelong experiment will be a success!
4. Make money
Whilst making money is certainly not my motivation for starting a blog (I’d be a fool if it was), I’m not going to pretend that I am unaware that it is possible to make a living off blogging. However, as I’m writing this post, I only aspire to make enough money to cover the costs of maintaining my blog. Realistically, my intention is to blog as a sort of “serious” hobby or perhaps more of a part-time job… not a full-time career.
5. Share my life and my story
In addition to providing informative, health-related content, I will be sharing personal stories and experiences on this blog. It is my hope that readers may be able to relate to them, learn from them or feel empowered to share their own stories.
When I was scouring the internet for motivation to pursue my own blog, I came across a couple of very profound quotes about storytelling that really resonated with me:
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you
Maya Angelou
This one hits me hard. As a man who has accumulated a fair amount of regrets in his life already, I refuse to let this be another one.
The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon.
Brandon Sanderson
This quote perfectly encapsulates the writing approach I will be adopting for the majority of my future posts. I do not wish to impose my views upon anyone. I simply wish to share my thoughts and hopefully leave my readers with something to reflect upon, relate to or openly discuss.
Bonus 6th reason: I am an introvert
I am an introvert at heart, and although I actively try to be openly social at times, this is simply too much effort more often than not. So this blog is also me sharing more about myself with strangers and friends alike in the most introverted way I can imagine!
Disclaimer: Please note the date of publish or last update on all posts. All content on 100yearsthedream.com, regardless of date, is solely for informational purposes only. All content, including images, videos and external sources, is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your own doctor/healthcare professional before adopting any suggestions or ideas shared on this website.